Opportunities for all junior age groups to improve your game and hone your skills.
Please see details below of our pre-Christmas coaching course for all junior members of Carlisle CC.
Run by ECB accredited and qualified coaches with full DBS checks, the course is designed to help all children develop their cricket and enjoy the greatest game.
Great value at just £10 per child.
Carlisle Cricket Club Close Season Coaching Course.
I am writing to invite you to the above course, which will be run at Harraby Arena from 5.00p.m. to 7.00p.m. on Sunday evenings.
U11 age group. 5th & 12th. November (present years 4, 5 and 6)
U13/15 age group. 19th & 26th November (present years 7,8,9 and 10)
All Stars Junior group 3rd & 10th December
There will be a charge of £10 to cover the two sessions.
Dress will be cricket shirt and flannels and indoor trainers U11,13 15`s. You should also bring your bat with you. Club bats will be available if you do not have your own.
Please return the slip to me as soon as possible, as numbers are limited.
Yours sincerely
I will be attending the coaching on……………………and………………………
Signed (player)………………………………………
The course fee of £10 is enclosed (cheques made out to Carlisle Junior Cricket Club).
Signed (parent or guardian)……………………………………………….
Please return the form to…
Bryan Laidlow
29 Moorville Drive