Book your place on our pre-Christmas cricket coaching course.
Please see details below of our first series of close season cricket coaching courses for all junior age groups.
This is YOUR chance to develop and improve your game under the guidance of fully qualified ECB coaches and a programme devised by our lead coach, Jimmy Bell.
The sessions will feature games, drills and a focus on essential skills. Off season cricket practice is the best way to make sure your game is in good order and prepare for the new season next Spring.
Please note that any hard ball net sessions that coaches feel appropriate will only include players of similar ages and abilities.
Fun for all – in a safe, supportive and fully inclusive environment – is guaranteed.
You can copy, paste and print the form below. We look forward to seeing as many juniors as possible.
Carlisle Cricket Club Close Season Coaching Course.
I am writing to invite you to the above course, which will be run at Harraby Sports Arena from 5.00p.m. to 7.00p.m. on Sunday evenings.
U11 age group. 6th 20th Nov & 4th December (present years 4,5 & 6)
U13/15 age group. 13th & 27th November (present years 7,8,9 & 10)
U19 age group. 11th December
There will be a charge of £6 to cover each session.
Dress will be cricket shirt and flannels and indoor trainers. You should also bring your bat with you. Club bats will be available if you do not have your own.
Please return the slip to me as soon as possible, as numbers are limited.
Yours sincerely
Bryan Laidlow
I will be attending the coaching on……………………and………………………
Signed (player)………………………………………
The course fee of £6,£12 or £18 is enclosed (cheques made out to Carlisle Junior Cricket Club).